Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Buddha Child and A Dark Ghazal {Poems}

Dreadlocked child sitting amidst
The fleeting cinema of urban feet
Child in Buddhic squat, palms between thighs
Folded correctly

Forlorn on a city pavement
They do not see you, mendicant child
But I do

And I know you too are on your way
Maybe you’ll be a rasta someday

Buddha Child

Infernal pointsman destroying space-time
Shattering science in a million frissons of glass
This is the end of the fury – the mad scribbling
The chill of waiting to pen perfect roses

Whirlwinds rage on, but I am innocent of dust
My imperfect lines throb as if they still live
The market still pulses with life

I tell you
Fortitude and solitude are one
The same with wine and women and art
Cold mistresses teasing flames in temples
Parched with thinking, longing
And forgetting

Life shatters into a million frissons
And I step out into the light
Killing the man in the mirror.

A Dark Ghazal

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